World-Famous Budweiser Clydesdales Visit Ocala, Florida – Clydesdales Will Appear in Ocala for Parade of Nations
March 29, 2018

Ocala, Florida, 2018 —Eight majestic (and giant) horses and their historic red beer wagon will appear at the Ocala Downtown Market and the Parade of Nations Horse Celebration in Ocala in mid-February. Consumers can get up close and personal with the hitch team. This special appearance is made possible by Tri-Eagle Sales, the local Anheuser-Busch and beverage distributor for Ocala, Florida.

The Parade of Nations will honor and welcome the countries and the riders participating in the “Longines FEI

Jumping Nations Cup” event, which attracts riders and horse lovers from all over the world. The Parade of Nations is hosted by Ocala Main Street and the Ocala/Marion County Chamber and Economic Partnership. As Tri-Eagle Sales communications manager Brittany Foster says, “The world-famous Budweiser Clydesdales are iconic to the Budweiser brand, and showcasing them at the Parade of Nations complements the historic tradition of competitive horse riding. To witness the Clydesdales march is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for any horse or beer lover.”
The World-Famous Clydesdales will be presented on Friday, February 16, at 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Ocala Downtown Market. On Saturday, February 17, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. the eight-horse hitch will be harnessed and hitched to the famous red beer wagon at the Downtown Ocala Square for the Parade of Nations Horse Celebration.

The Parade of Nations appearance in Ocala is one of hundreds that the traveling hitches make annually. Today, these giant draft horses are primarily used for breeding and for show. The horses chosen to be the Budweiser Clydesdales must be at least four years old, stand approximately 18 hands (or six feet) at the shoulder, weigh an average of 2,000 pounds, be bay in color, and have four white legs, a blaze of white on the face, and a black mane and tail. A gentle temperament is also very important, as hitch horses meet millions of people each year.

Take this opportunity to enjoy the equine side of the Ocala community and join in the festivities at this year’s Parade of Nations in the “Horse Capitol of the World.” This Bud’s for you!